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Bacterial & Viral Diseases of the Respiratory Tract

Bacterial & Viral Disease Bacterial Diseases of Respiratory Track pdf Viral Diseases of Respiratory Track pdf Viral Infections of the Respiratory Tract: Common cold, Influenza, Viral Pneumonia, MERS, SARS & Corona  Viral Respiratory Diseases Causing Skin Rashes: Measles, rubella (German measles), and chickenpox are viral diseases associated with skin rashes

Classification of Infections, Host, Reservoir & Carriers of Infectious agents

Infection, Type of Infection & Disease Important Term & Definition A.     Infectious agent :  a microorganism which is capable of producing an infection. (bacteria, virus,   fungi, parasite and prion) B.      Infection:   Invasion of the body tissue of a host by an infectious agent whether or not it causes disease v   Pathogenicity :   refer to the ability of microbial species to produce disease v   Virulence  is the ability of strain of microorganisms to cause disease. M.   Tuberculosis contain strain of a varying degree of virulence. Eg. The vaccine contains avirulent strain. o    Virulence   of a strain is not constant and may undergo   variation o    Exaltation :   enhancement of virulence of the strain of Microorganism o    Attenuation:   reduction of virulence of a strain v   Invasiveness : the ability of an organism to spread within the host tissue after establishing infection. v   T